Good morning!
It is 8 am in Prague - 2 am at home and so only Rheanne and Quinn are up an around on your side of the Atlantic! The team is sprinting towards the finish line today. They will walk away at 4 pm with the entire report written and edited - only time will tell whether or not this results in a more focused or simply rushed report.
Prague reminds me of Salzburg or Vienna in that music is everywhere. There are posters announcing concerts in every local church and performance space and there is a wealtlh of street music wherever you go. Unlike at home, there is no apparent begging in the streets. Lots of buskers looking for donations but no basic hands-out.
This will be my last day at the school although a number of team members will return tomorrow to share the highlights of the report and attend a TGIF with the staff. As the day progresses I will add additional postings.
Love to all,